Android is starting to become a serious threat to iPhone – wow, I would never have expected that…
As we noted earlier, mobile ad network AdMob has released its monthly mobile metrics report for March, which takes a close look at Android OS traffic. One interesting stat that was hidden in the report was that Android ad traffic overtook iPhone traffic in the U.S. for the month of March.
According to the report, Android traffic in the U.S. increased to 46 percent of operating system share compared to 39 percent for the iPhone operating system. Worldwide, the iPhone OS still took the top spot, taking 46 percent of the OS share, with Android phones seeing 25 percent of impressions. AdMob measures mobile ad impressions, which is a proxy for overall traffic.
For some contrast, Millennial Media’s most recent report has Android requests increasing 75% over last month while still only accounting for 6% of smartphone traffic. Compare that with 70% for iPhone (not including iPod Touch or iPad). Millennial is the 3rd largest mobile ad network, and the only one of the 3 not owned by Google (AdMob) or Apple (Quattro Wireless).
Summary of the report:
I think all of these reports are pretty misleading, but they’re the best we’ve got right now.